Monday, 7 July 2014

RANT: Body Issues by Rude Wankers

I just had to get this off my chest today. It has been brewing inside me for a couple of days now and it's really eating me up. The more I think about it, the angrier I get...mind you, it's never difficult to set my temper off at the first place.

Recently I had someone publicly pointed out to me about my, wait for it...flab. Yes, you read that right, my flab. Now before you jump the gun and start shouting 'first world problem' to my face...please hear me out. My anger and resentment is not because someone pointed out I am no where as fit and toned as I was before but at the fact it is almost done out of spite. And to say such horrible words especially to a person whom has struggled with body issues most of her deserve a bitch slap for it, seriously you do.

I just had a baby 2 months ago and truthfully, I think I look pretty darn good for someone who only recently gave birth. I lost all but 1kg of my pregnancy weight gain and I am blessed to lose it that easy. I know many whom struggled to lose weight, I mean many whom are normal people and not armed with dietitian, nutritionist, personal health chef and personal trainer...yes, I am looking at you, unrealistic Hollywood type. True my body is not the same anymore. I am no where as toned nor am I as fit as I was before pregnancy and you know what? My body will never be that way again because I choose to spend time with my husband and baby instead of sweating it out in the gym. Any spare hours that I have, I rather sleep or cook or have just some plain old quiet time for myself which is pretty rare these days. But I wouldn't change anything for the world, I am happy and contented with life as it is now.

So for someone to point out my little tummy flab in front of everyone, I think it's just plain rude and bloody uncalled for. Especially when it is done to a new mum. Even worse when this rude person is not super model material herself. Look.In.The.Bloody.Mirror.Please 

Is there not enough body image issues out there for us women without the need for someone to be a complete ass about it? All the photoshopped pictures, all the rake thin models walking down the runways and that horrible thinspiration trend brain washing us to have unrealistic body image. Has it now come to the point that a new mum has to instantly snap back into shape with rock hard abs and toned arms and legs? Anyone who is not will instantly be chastised as, fat? Get the fuck out of here...

Shame on you who tried to put me down, shame on anyone who tries to shove thin is beautiful down other's throat. I'm tired of women being a complete bitch towards each other about body issues. 

Ladies, if the person is happy about herself, if her husband loves her just the way she is then back the fuck off. Just mind your own bloody business and stop projecting your insecurities onto others. 

Rant over and I'm out for today....