Losing a permanent tooth can be devastating. When faced with a dental emergency, what you do within the few minutes after the injury can determine whether the dentist can save the tooth or not. If your tooth gets knocked out, try to replant immediately. If it’s not possible, keep the tooth moist until you get to the dentist. If the tooth is chipped, find all the fragments if possible since the dentist can still reattach them. 

Whether you’re playing sports without a mouth guard, grinding your teeth or biting down on something hard, a tooth injury can be excruciating. If you get any dental injury, you should visit a dentist as soon as possible, preferably before thirty minutes after the injury. However, there are a few things you can do to save your tooth before you get to your dentist’s office. Here are a few first aid tips for common tooth injuries.

1. Knocked out tooth
If your tooth gets completely knocked out, try to replant it yourself. If possible, replant it within five minutes after the injury. At that time, the body will still identify the tooth as its own instead of a “graft” and the ligaments responsible for attaching the tooth to the surrounding bone will still be present. Follow the simple procedure below.

• Rinse the mouth with cold water to remove debris from the tooth root.
• Don’t touch the root since it can get damaged easily.
• If the tooth is dirty, use milk or water to rinse it.
• Don’t attempt to wipe the tooth with a washcloth or any other fabric since it can damage the tooth.
• Hold your tooth by the crown and place it firmly into the socket while applying sustained pressure.
• Ensure the tooth is facing the right way.
• If the tooth can’t easily slip back into the socket, don’t force it.
• Visit a trusted emergency dentist in Brisbane or in your local area as soon as possible.

If you can’t replant the tooth yourself, keep the tooth moist by placing it in a glass of milk or by placing it between the cheek and gum. If milk is not available, put the tooth in a cup of water. The most important thing is to keep it moist.

Please note that small children may not be trusted to hold the tooth in their mouth without swallowing. Instead of taking the risk, ask the child to spit in a cup and place the tooth in the saliva instead.

2. Chipped tooth
The dentist can still be able to reattach the broken pieces, so find all the tooth fragments if possible. Do not attempt to file or smooth the tooth yourself. Place the fragments in milk or water to keep them moist.

If you can’t seem to find the fragments, it’s not the end of the world; the dentist can still fill up the tooth with a tooth-coloured material. If the breakage exposes the nerves, expect the tooth to be a little sensitive.

3. Fractured tooth

A fracture is similar to a chip or break, but it causes more extensive damage to the tooth. If your tooth gets fractured, don’t try to wiggle it or remove parts of it. Avoid biting on it, too. If the fracture exposes the pulp, the tooth will be sensitive to pressure and temperature changes. It may not be possible to save the tooth if the fracture extends below the gum. But, you should visit a dentist to determine your options.

Your teeth are essential; you should, therefore, take measures to protect them from injury. But when an injury occurs, make sure to follow the first aid tips outlined above to increase your tooth’s chances of survival. Do take note that first aid can only get you so far. If you’re dealing with any dental emergency, contact a trusted dentist immediately.

*This article is published in partnership with Mediabuzzer. For further info, read my disclaimer here.

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Maira Gall